03 July, 2017
The Northern Academy of Performing Arts (NAPA) is seeking a dynamic Chair to lead its Board of Trustees into the next exciting phase of the charity’s development.
This rewarding volunteer opportunity sees the Chair in a strategic role, helping to deliver and develop an exciting and ambitious business plan and to provide direction and support to the Trustees and staff members who deliver the work of NAPA to the very highest standards. NAPA is a charity that aims to deliver exceptional opportunities for people of all ages in creative performing arts.
The Board meets monthly; meetings are held at NAPA, Anlaby Road, Hull. These meetings generally last for a maximum of three hours and the average monthly commitment for the Chair is somewhere between 8-10 hours.
If you would like to discuss the role further with a Trustee, please contact NAPA (see below) or visit our website at www.northernacademy.org.uk
The role of the Chair will involve:
- working closely with the Secretary to the Board to plan, run and record trustee meetings
- taking the lead on ensuring there is full participation in Board meetings, that matters are dealt with in an orderly and efficient manner, that effective decisions are made and that actions are carried out, ensuring that trustees comply with their duties and that the charity is well governed
- having a second or casting vote if a vote on a trustees’ decision is tied, as specified in NAPA’s governing document
- acting as a spokesperson for the charity from time to time
- acting as a link between trustees and staff
- line-managing the Chief Executive on behalf of the trustees. Liaising with the CEO to keep an overview of the charity’s business
The Board of Trustees is looking for someone with:
- a passion for Performing Arts and the type of work NAPA delivers in Hull
- good leadership skills and who can facilitate change
- the ability to make sure that decisions are taken and actions are followed up
- tact, diplomacy, fairness and impartiality, someone who can address anyconflict within the board
- good time-keeping skills
- experience of managing organisations and people and who understands the
- roles and responsibilities of a charity’s Board of Trustees
- communication skills to advocate and represent the charity at external eventsand who effectively communicate the vision & purpose of NAPA
- an awareness of current issues that might affect the organisation.
CONTACT: Andrew Kingston, Trustee: trustee@northernacademy.org.uk