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Northern Powerhouse breakfast seminar
Northern Powerhouse breakfast seminar
17 May, 2015

Growth opportunities for the Humber region is the focus of a seminar taking place during Humber Business Week (1-5 June), which will be hosted by leading law firm Andrew Jackson.

The firm has brought together key figures from leading local businesses and organisations for its Northern Powerhouse breakfast seminar, which includes Ian Mills from the University of Hull Business School, who has been working with the core Northern cities to produce an agreement to develop a freight strategy that will directly impact on the Humber region, and a funding bid to support the proposed Hull-Liverpool infrastructure upgrade.

Rob Bell, chief executive at Hull firm Archomai, which provides marketing support to organisations wishing to access India, Gulf States and the EU, will talk about how the Humber-Mersey trade corridor is proving attractive to an emerging network of overseas trade corridor partners.  John Connolly, managing director of Hull's Centre for Digital Innovation (C4DI), will explain how the region plays a vital role in the wider Northern technology economy, and will demonstrate how traditional industry locally is growing by using the skills of the new technology centre.

Completing the speaker line-up is Andrew Jackson's head of shipping and transport, Dominic Ward, and Marie Kell, head of commercial and intellectual property at the firm. Dominic will identify particular barriers and pitfalls to overseas trade and how these may be overcome, whilst Marie will look at how intellectual property can be protected and will explain best practice strategies that businesses can adopt in order exploit and maintain their competitive advantage.

Dominic said: “Our seminar will provide valuable insight on the wide range of business growth opportunities that should develop in the next few years. The speakers will focus on those sectors likely to experience significant growth, as well as considering the various barriers to growth and how these can be overcome.

“This is a must-attend event during Business Week for business owners and managers, as well as professionals interested in the region’s international trade, and its growth and development opportunities.”

The breakfast seminar will take place on Wednesday 3 June 2015 at Andrew Jackson’s offices in Marina Court, Hull, with registration from 8.00am.  Whilst free to attend, places are limited and can be reserved by emailing or contacting Sarah Liversedge on (01482) 601307.